Aspiring - "desiring or striving for recognition or advancement"

Rouleur - "type of racing cyclist that is considered a good all rounder"

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Having trouble walking today after yesterday's run.
Feel even more pathetic. Who would know a measly 1.6 miles could hurt this much?!
My muscles are not used to the whole running motion.
I can now definitely confirm:

Running sucks.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Shhh, it's a secret...

I want to get this straight from the start. I hate running. Over the last few weeks though, I’ve noticed that I’ve got lazier and slightly fatter. Since taking up cycling, I have lost weight but my upper body is still rounder than I like and, although I do have a reasonable level of endurance, I lack the lung capacity for sustained efforts. When you throw everything into the mix, I need to do something other than cycling. Yoga is good and I’m enjoying it but I need the extra bit of cardio. This morning, I had a later start at work so I decided to get up early and go for a run. I'm keeping this pretty quiet though amongst my cycling buddies (they never read this blog anyway. In fact, I’m pretty sure nobody does). Stealth training if you like. I'm hoping to lose a fair chunk of weight and increase my stamina prior to the start of those spring rides. I'm hoping to turn up, buff and lean and get the leg up on the season ahead.

Did I enjoy this morning's run? Nope. I managed a pathetic 1.6 miles but I guess everyone starts somewhere. Running distances are feeble though. In cycling terms, in 1.6 miles I’ve barely clipped in and adjusted my crotch. I will be running again though, often, perhaps every day until I develop some decent skills or until KFC go bust. It'll help for my next hair brain idea, or fad if you like. More details to follow at a later date. Clue: it involves outdoors and heights and the Alps or similar.....

Monday, 20 February 2012

Loving the outdoors

Not had too much of a chance to get out on the bike of late but I have just spent the weekend with the in-laws in the Peak District. I absolutely love it up there.
I got out on the mountain bike on Sunday for a short while but had most fun climbing over the rocks at Higgar Tor. He enjoyed it too.....

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Waiting for the postman...

My spending spree continues. This week I'm eagerly awaiting the delivery of my new Montane Fireball Smock. It's an ultra light top that uses Primaloft insulation which is very warm, even when wet. Should be a valuable piece of kit to carry on my events. More when it arrives...

Monday, 6 February 2012

Welsh Ride Thing 2012

I finally took the plunge and have signed up for the Welsh Ride Thing 2012 and I’m a little bit excited about it to say the least!

For anyone not familiar with the theme, it’s a self-sufficient mountain biking weekend where you carry all your kit with you, sleeping wild (if you wish) and collect as many checkpoints as you can.

The beauty of the event is that you decide the distance and what you want to do. The grid references are there really to guide you towards some good riding.

Even though it’s only January, I’ve already started compiling a kit list for the bits I’m planning on using. I now have even more opportunity to buy more kit!

I’ve even started listing what I have and respective weights so that I can try to stay as light as possible. I think that I am pretty much there with everything that I need. I have a few more items that I would like, such as some sort of lightweight down vest and a merino wool base layer.

Here is a list of what I have so far. I have a choice of two sleeping bags dependant on the weather (weight in grams):

Rab Storm Bivvy Bag 550

Alpkit Base 120 Mattress 525

Silnylon Tarp 200

Guy lines 75

Eurohike Down 500 Sleeping Bag 1100

Karrimor Global traveller 700 Sleeping Bag 750

Exped Pillow 75

MSR Pocket Rocket Stove (inc case) 100

125g Gas Canister 210

Lifeventure Ti Mug 75

Blacks Solo Pan Set (lid 90g) 200

Spork 5

Fire Steel 10

Mora Knife 100

Alpkit Gamma Head Torch 105

Alpkit 8L Airlok Dry Bag (Rear) 80

Alpkit 13L Airlok Dry Bag (Front) 100

Aluminium V Peg x 6 (5g each) 30

Leatherman (No case) 200

Multi Tool 150

Peter Storm Thermal Top 190

Peter Storm Thermal Bottoms 180

Base weight is around 4kg. There will obviously be more things to consider such as evening wear (tuxedo etc) and food (caviar, Moet etc).
As soon as the weather improves, the serious testing will begin……

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Family time

Usually on a Sunday morning, I go out for a bike ride which gives me a bit of freedom and the rest of the family a chance to laze about.
At this time of year when pace slows slightly and summer drifts into a memory, we find ourselves having more time to spend alone as a family which is always a good thing. We enjoy camping and the outdoors so it's becoming a bit of a ritual that Sunday afternoons are spent wandering around together.
We're National Trust members which gives great opportunity for an inexpensive day out. Last week we headed out into Surrey and spent an enjoyable few hours walking through the woods at Winkworth Arboretum. It was really beautiful but a little cold so we were glad to find the shelter of the boathouse to have our lunch.
Also gave me the opportunity to try out my new MSR Pocket Rocket with a round of hot drinks. I was a bit of a hero with the kids when I whipped up a surprise hot chocolate!