Aspiring - "desiring or striving for recognition or advancement"

Rouleur - "type of racing cyclist that is considered a good all rounder"

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Sweet revenge?

My life doesn’t just revolve around cycling you know. I’m also a fan of other sports too, like football.
It’s a bit of a love/hate relationship because being a football fan brings it’s own emotions. I’ve been an Arsenal supporter for as long as I can remember. My uncle has always had a season ticket and he took me to a few games when I was very young, back in the days of George Graham as manager, Tony Adams, David Rocastle and Anders Limpar.
I was hooked from a tender age and even though there have been times when football has taken a back seat to other things, I always like to keep an eye on how the Gunners are doing.
As with all life, football has it’s ups and downs and Arsenal have had a fair few, even though they’ve remained pretty consistent over the years and haven’t just bought their way into the top flight like certain other London teams I can mention.
I seem to go through a cycle, especially in the last few years where we’ve lacked silverware, where I start the season optimistically and then slowly get more and more depressed as the season goes on.
Tonight, Arsenal get the chance to settle old scores with Barcelona so I’m hoping that Cesc Fabregas is fit and we can get a good result to take us into the second leg.
If not, I’ll be all emotional tomorrow and declaring how “football’s too heartbreaking to watch and I’ll be focusing on cycling because Brits aren’t expected to do well on the road and so I’ll have less expectation…..”

Come on you reds!!!

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